We’ll Buy Your Books!

Middle Ground Books Buyback Policy

What does the buyback policy mean?

We have a buyback policy as a service to our customers.  It provides a way for opening up personal library space while also providing good quality books to the rest of the community for a reduced cost.  Nobody’s getting rich on this deal. 

We want to continue serving this community.  If we manage to make something on a used book it helps us to keep doing what we’re doing.  If you want to sell Antique or Collector’s books it will likely require research for the item in question. Collector’s books are outside the scope of our typical business.

How many books will you buy?

If you plan on bringing in more than a dozen books, please arrange for a time.

We want to be able to give you adequate attention while not inconveniencing our other customers. 

What kind of books do you buy?

We can only buy what we think we can sell. Books should be in good condition and fill a niche in our inventory.

We do not buy ex-library copies as we wish to maintain a positive relationship with Emporia Public Library and the Friends of the Library. We will accept ex-library copies as donations should you so choose.

How much does it pay?

Buy back pricing is around half of what we would hope to sell the book for paid through in-store credit. Buy backs don’t guarantee that we will sell the book, but allow for a small profit margin if we do.

How can I use my in-store credit?

IIn-store credit may be used for new books for up to 40% off the retail price.

If you have $20 in-store credit and want to buy a new $20 book, we will apply $8 of your in-store credit toward your purchase and preserve the remainder for your next visit. This cashflow enables us to pay the bills and keep the lights on.